The History of Inaz Kitchen
I was raised by my grandmother Ina Wallace in the District of Cambridge, St. James Jamaica
West Indies. My grandmother was always creative in the kitchen and always cooking. At the age of eight I became very intrigued watching her cooking a variety of dishes. I was so amazed that I wanted to become just like her. I started watching her and asked a lot of questions about the ingredients she was using in her meals and wanted to taste test everything she cooked. Now I realized that I developed a passion for cooking and at that age I did my first Sunday dinner. For my ninth birthday I asked my father for a cookbook with dishes from around the world. I traveled with my cookbook for years to come, but during that time I misplaced it.
In 2011 Inaz Kitchen was established and dedication to my grandmother who passed away 35 years ago and did not get to see what I became in the food business. Cooking from the heart and soul is the exceptional experience you will get from Inaz Kitchen :D